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Dan Ampuero
Production Designer, Set & Costume Designer

In his artistic practice, Daniel Ampuero provides atmospheric design for live and recorded works. Since completing his training at WAAPA Daniel has production-designed for; Melissa Lanham’s dance tour Vincent (2016), the award-winning short film Carnal Privilege (2017), and WA’s independent spaghetti-western, The Decadent and Depraved (2018). In 2019, Daniel completed a postgraduate study at Curtin University and has continued his independent research in visual story-telling methods. This has benefited his recent opportunity to present tutorials for students of the Western Suburbs, in association with Bankstown’s Outloud Arts. Daniel would like to dedicate his work on Borderless to the efforts of his cousin, Private Benavente and her fellow Parachute Riggers.

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